Tour de France 2023

Devblog 3 – Game mode improvements

Hello and welcome to another TDF23 devblog! For this devblog, we won’t be focusing on just one area but rather on a range of changes made to enhance and streamline the experience when using the various game modes. So, let’s start right away with the Pro Team and Pro Leader modes. This year, our goal Devblog 3 – Game mode improvements

New ratings for riders

Hi everyone! In this first devblog for Tour de France 2023, we’ll take a look at rider ratings and two new mechanics introduced this year: Agility and Medium Mountain. AGILITY NOTE Agility is a new rating that replaces the Downhill rating. Based on a 5-tier scale (A+, A, B, C and D), it differentiates between riders while playing the New ratings for riders