You are Cahal, a powerful Garou who chose to go into exile after losing control of his destructive rage. He can transform into a wolf and a Crinos, a huge ferocious beast. Master your three forms and their powers to punish those who defile Gaia.
Release date: 4 Feb, 2021
Developer: Cyanide Studio
Publisher: NACON
Genres: Adventure, Action
Follow Werewolf : the Apocalypse - Earthblood

With the support of the FAJV, a fund funded by the CNC.

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Hooked Gamers
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse- Earthblood may not be a game that’s going to gain widespread acclaim, but for fans of the World of Darkness franchise it’s great to finally have an outing that dives into the more wild side of things. If Werewolf: The Apocalypse is able to find its footing with Earthblood, then things can only go up from here. The old-school beat-em-up feel of the combat encounters steals the show, proving once again that some things don’t go out of style.
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Cyanide Studios have proven their mettle with previous games in the supernatural genre. Their previous efforts include Styx: Shards of Darkness and the Call of Cthulhu. Both games were well received. Earthblood is a solid effort that should get werewolf fans howling with glee.
PC Gamer
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A joyful mix of stealth and action, the fun doesn't snag on the rough edges.

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